Meatless Mondays Program

Meatless Mondays Program


On January 11, 2021 and February 8, 2021, we presented two talks over Zoom in our Meatless Monday Program. Meatless Monday is an international campaign that encourages people not to eat meat on Mondays to improve their health and the health of the planet. Founded in 2003 by Sid Lerner in association with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the organization provides information, news, recipes and free promotional materials. Meatless Monday is embraced in over 40 countries, in over 20 languages. 

In our first talk, Professor William Moomaw, Emeritus Procfessor of Environmental Policy at Tufts, spoke on the effects of our food choices on Climate Change. In our second, Shira Hirshberg, a registered and licensed Dietician Nutritionist, spoke on the subject of nutritious meatless meals.

Our members  have contributed some of their favorite meatless recipes:

To learn more about the Meatless Monday movement and to pledge to go meatless on Mondays, see Meatless Monday Needham, here, courtesy of the Needham League of Women Voters.

League to which this content belongs: 
Westwood/ Walpole/ Dedham