We have an inspiring program, League business to conduct, for members beginning at 6 p.m., a celebration of our success, beginning at 6:30 p.m., and a look forward toward the next 100 years! There will be a cash bar and the menu is here.
If you have suggestions for anyone to recognize, please forward those names and why to the leagueofwomenvotersmobile [at] gmail.com (subject: LWVM%20Annual%20Meeting%20Award%20suggestion, body: I%20am%20suggesting%20the%20following%20because...) (Awards Committee) by March 20, 2020.
The members only business section will include votes on the Budget, Program, and the slate of officers. These materials at attached to the blue link. Click on them. If you have any input, please leagueofwomenvotersmobile [at] gmail.com (subject: LWVM%20Annual%20Meeting%20item) (email the league )with your comments or concerns.
All LWVM events are open to the public, but reservations and payment in advance are required. Please lovjan42 [at] comcast.net (subject: LWVM%20Annual%20Dinner%20RSVP%20, body: I%20plan%20to%20attend%20and%20am%20aware%20of%20the%20new%20RSVP%20policy.%20%20%0AName%3A%0A%0ALate%20reservations%20may%20be%20subject%20to%20a%20%245%20surcharge%20per%20Heron%20Lakes.%20%20Reservations%20are%20due%20by%20April%203%2C%202020.) (email Jane Gordon) your reservation or call 251-402-3321 by Friday, April 3, 2020. Dinner is $45 pp, $80 for a pair (any 2) or $47/$83 cc. Payment is due by the deadline and will be accepted at any LWVM event in March (Evening Study Group or Luncheon), by mailing a check made payable to LWV Mobile (POB 40602, Mobile, AL 36640) or with PayPal. Late reservations (after April 3, 2020) incur a additional $5 charge, per Heron Lakes policy.