

Local Finance, Public Business, Redevelopment
Position In Brief: 


Since Proposition 13 in 1978 and subsequent propositions and legislation took away the ability of localities to set local tax rates each city sets its own spending priorities. We support local municipal budgeting with a flexible approach suitable to the appropriate community. Support measures to ensure revenues that are flexible, suitable and sufficient to meet changing priorities for local government services, that emphasize equity and fair sharing of the tax burden as well as meet current and future needs of municipal financing. Support the distribution of revenue sources between state and local governments to ensure adequate, equitable and flexible funding of public programs based on the responsibilities and requirements of each. We strongly support proactive measures to ensure fiscal accountability and transparency in government budgets.


Support for the proper conduct of public business requiring open meetings with advance notice and posting of agenda, closing of agenda before meeting, prompt availability of all public records, and sufficient notice of vacancies on boards and commissions prior to appointment. In addition, public bodies should consider certain criteria prior to appointment of board or commission members, regularly evaluate the work and areas of responsibility of each board or commission, and encourage citizen participation. Each board and commission should annually reevaluate goals and provide an orientation program for its members.

REDEVELOPMENT Adopted 1998, Declared inactive 2015

Support of redevelopment programs which adhere to the intent and spirit of the law. Redevelopment projects should include a clear, concise definition of “blight” and prevent the inclusion of developments which would occur without government assistance. Redevelopment programs should be detailed and specific in description, implementation, and costs and should be subject to local public review. Redevelopment Agencies should inform the public of agency activity by timely disclosure of information, by issuing accurate news releases of activities to local papers, and by issuing a factual report (written in layman’s terms) at least annually through cities’ news letters or other distributive media. Recommend the addition of an Ad Hoc Citizen Advisory Task Force to consult with the Redevelopment Agency on large projects. Support the Agency by maintaining contemporaneous and accurate records of all redevelopment assistance. Support continued activity in addressing housing concerns for low-income renters and new home owners.


Support of appropriate compensation of local elected officials commensurate with the responsibility inherent in their position.

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