Government Emergency Services in Shasta County

Government Emergency Services in Shasta County

Adequate funding to enhance public safety.
Position In Brief: 

Support of adequate funding and personnel at regional and local levels for emergency planning and preparedness programs that enhance public safety and minimize loss of life and destruction of property in emergency situations.

Objectives of this position: 1. clearly defined lines of authority between all levels of governmental and private emergency relief agencies responsible for providing emergency services. 2. ongoing identification and evaluation of natural and man-made hazards within the county and region, using state and federal mandated studies and studies necessitated by local conditions. 3. land use planning that recognizes and discourages potential hazards to public safety. 4. regular planning, evaluation and updating of emergency response programs by both governmental agencies and public facilities 5. county government should take the lead for providing proactive, ongoing programs of public education to identify the responsible public agencies and emergency procedures in place, and that stress the role of each individual in an emergency

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League of Women Voters Redding Area