Natural Resources Land Use

Natural Resources Land Use

Support of general plans which will protect and advance the quality of the environment, and promote orderly change and development, including orderly annexations and/or detachments, with general plans reviewed and modified according to law.
Position In Brief: 

Support of general plans which will protect and advance the quality of the environment, and promote orderly change and development, including orderly annexations and/or detachments, with general plans reviewed and modified according to law.

Objectives of this position: 1. provide for orderly land use and prevention of urban sprawl 2. monitor policy standards for the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) and ensure they are consistent with League criteria 3. ensure adequate notification to property owners in each annexation or detachment election 4. support citizen advisory groups for the periodic review and update of City and County General Plans 5. encourage adoption of procedures for close cooperation between city and county planning staffs and commissions 6. monitor Governmental agencies. 7. support quality community focused development

League to which this content belongs: 
League of Women Voters Redding Area