Take Action to Confront Racism in California Courts - Governor Signs Landmark Legislation Advancing Racial Justice in California

Take Action to Confront Racism in California Courts - Governor Signs Landmark Legislation Advancing Racial Justice in California

Time Range For Action Alert: 
Aug 27 2020 to Oct 31 2020

Thank you to everyone on helping to get AB 2542 passed!

Governor Signs Landmark Legislation Advancing Racial Justice in California

A historic, first-of-its-kind law in the State, the California Racial Justice Act prohibits the use of race, ethnicity, or national origin in sentencing and convictions SACRAMENTO – The Governor today signed the historic California Racial Justice Act, also known as Assembly Bill 2542 (AB 2542), which asserts civil rights in the California court system and addresses racial discrimination that leads to unfair convictions and sentencing.

“I am grateful to Governor Newsom for signing AB 2542 and his commitment to rooting out racism from our courts,” said Assemblymember Kalra (D-San Jose), lead author of AB 2542. “With the signing of this bill and other actions he has taken, the Governor has well established himself as a national leader on compassionate, thoughtful criminal justice reform.”

“Although there is still much more work to do in fixing our broken criminal justice system, the Racial Justice Act is a historic foundational step in upholding Constitutional protections for everyone and moving us closer to a system that truly reflects justice for all,” he added. “The Racial Justice Act puts into law a manifestation of a continuing struggle most recently represented by millions in the streets demanding racial justice.”


Read more of the LWV CA Press Release here
