October Pro's and Con's Event for the 2022 Election Ballot Measures

October Pro's and Con's Event for the 2022 Election Ballot Measures

Pros and Cons event 2022


Los Altos Library
5614 E Britton Dr
Long Beach 90815
Saturday, October 15, 2022 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

Please join your League of Women Voters Long Beach Area

for our most popular event every Election year

Pros and Cons

Learn about all the Ballot Measures that you can vote on in this November election. 

Wonder who initiated and paid to get the measure on the ballot? Want a review of the measure and what it means to vote yes or no?


Then join us at the Los Altos Library at 5614 E Britton Dr, Long Beach, CA 90815 at 10am to Noon