We support a housing policy that recognizes, as a basic need, housing that is affordable, decent, safe and sanitary.
Position In Brief: 


A.   To increase the availability of low and moderate income housing:

1.Offer incentives to developers.

2. Search out and implement available programs.

3. Consider innovative approaches (e.g., shared housing and manufactured housing.

B.  To eliminate age discrimination and to eliminate other forms of discrimination already covered under the law.

C.  To distribute subsidized housing throughout the community to prevent segregation.

D.  To encourage rehabilitation and revitalization of neighborhoods beyond target areas.

E.   To regulate condominium conversion through:

1. Substantial waiting period prior to any conversion of newly constructed rental units.

2. Adequate notice to tenants prior to conversion hearings.

F.   To require developers to provide adequate relocation assistance to displaced persons.

G.  To require developers to contribute toward the replacement of eliminated rental units.

H.  To promote arbitration for landlord-tenant disputes and to publicize the availability of arbitration councils.

Position History: 

 Adopted 1979-80

League to which this content belongs: 
Long Beach Area