We support the adoption of a city plan that provides for orderly growth and that enhances rather than diminishes the quality of life in the community.
Position In Brief: 

This objective would require:

A. Development which gives priority consideration to its effect on residents, particularly their neighborhoods and environment.

B. Growth focused through zoning to limit sprawl.

C. Prohibition of encroachment on parks and beaches for other than appropriate purposes.

D. Evaluation of high-rise building in terms of its impact on the surrounding environment.

E. Dedication of land, or fees in lieu thereof, by developers for parks, recreation or other public purposes.

F. Adoption of a requirement for land dedication or fees in lieu thereof by a developer for park and recreation purposes (Quimby Bill).

G. Preservation of areas and buildings of unusual historical interest. 

Position History: 

Adopted in 1974-75; revised 2004



League to which this content belongs: 
Long Beach Area