All are welcome - please join us:
The League of Women Voters of Mendocino County will hold its January meeting on Tuesday, 1/21, from 6-7:30pm. The meeting will be via Zoom: Launch Meeting - Zoom
The program will be on transportation issues in Mendocino County. A number of local transportation studies are currently underway, including a County assessment of Highway One, a Noyo Harbor traffic circulation study by the Mendocino Council on Governments (MCOG), and a study of coastal, county-maintained roads, also by MCOG. Mendocino Transit Authority plans for its bus system, and CalTrans is working on climate change impacts to Highway One and Highway 101.
There will be a review of the League’s current transportation positions, how these can be used as the various studies move forward, and a discussion of public involvement in the planning and implementation of improvements. Please join the discussion of these important issues.
For questions or more information, call 707-937-4952.