Program Planning is your voice. Where should we engage; where can we make a difference and how will we go about that? Shall we do community education or advocacy on an issue?
It takes the enthusiasm and interest of our members & community to keep our programs vital.
Join us on February 18th at 6 pm via zoom for our annual Program Planning discussion. It is part of what makes the League a grassroots organization with every member's opportunity to influence the selection of issues on which the local and state Leagues will focus our time, talent and money.
Where do you see us putting our energy? We want to pick two issues to focus on. Where can we make an impact? What is most important to our county? What needs to be better understood by our members and the community? We hope that you will be motivated to join in the discussions. Here are some suggestions: Climate Change/ Sea Level Rise; Water; Transportation; Civic Health/Health of Democracy; Land Use.
LWV California also wants our opinions. The past two years saw focus on Climate Change with an emphasis on Water; Making Democracy Work; Criminal Justice Reform; Housing and Homelessness. Shall we continue with three of these issues or are there new issues to be looked at?
Please join us and make your voice heard: