By reassessing only commercial and industrial property to fair market value, large corporations will pay their fair share of property taxes. Schools & Communities First will protect all homeowners and renters by maintaining tax protections for all residential property, and level the playing field for all businesses that already pay their fair share.
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Apr 14, 2020 01:00 pm Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Helen Hutchison, LWV of California Board member and past President, will share valuable information & answer your questions about Schools & Communities First ballot initiative.
With this virus threat larger than any one community can handle, one simple fact remains: local funding is a key source of stability during good times and bad. Local funding supports our county public health departments and hospitals (including the doctors and nurses), first responders (such as EMTs and paramedics), city public works employees who keep our streets clean and garbage collected, caregivers for seniors and disabled people, and the maintenance of outdoor spaces such as parks and walking trails.
It’s also the backbone of our public education system. In the face of school closures, California’s educators and school employees are working their magic to ensure that students in their communities continue to receive the education, meals and services they need.
Reassessing only commercial and industrial property to fair market value is the cornerstone of the Schools & Communities First (SCF) initiative. Learn more about how this measure will protect all homeowners and renters by maintaining tax protections for all residential property, and will level the playing field for all businesses that already pay their fair share.
We must continue the work needed to pass this measure, for the good of our local schools, communities and our future.
Helen Hutchison, LWV of California Board member and past President, will present valuable information & answer your questions about Schools & Communities First ballot initiative, appearing on the November 2020 ballot.