We are pleased to announce that the 2018 LWVP Civics in Action Award was presented to Piedmont High School seniors Genevieve Raushenbush and Maya Guzdar on May 22. The LWVP Civics In Action Award is presented each year as part of the Senior Awards Night celebration. The high school civics teachers typically recognize one senior from Piedmont High School or Millennium High School who has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to civic engagement and outreach.
This year, both students demonstrated their commitment to improving our Piedmont community in many ways. Genevieve helped establish the student Challenge Success Club, which provides students with a forum to address student stress and emotional well-being. Maya showed her strong sense of social justice by her involvement and leadership in numerous community organizations, including the Piedmont Service Crew. Genevieve and Maya also served together as co-leaders of Piedmont High School's Voice Cooperative ("VOCO"). VOCO is entirely student-run, and sponsored numerous speakers of interest to our high school students on global, social and human rights issues. Because of their leadership skills, focus and passion for civic engagement, both Genevieve and Maya were honored for their collaborative efforts to help the high school community address difficult topics such as gun violence, racism, and sexual assault/consent.
LWVP 2018 Civics in Action Award
LWVP 2018 Civics in Action Award