Officially Recognized Citizens' Committees

Officially Recognized Citizens' Committees

Support for officially recognized citizens' committees.
Position In Brief: 

Support for officially recognized citizens' committees which utilize the widest and best possible balance of public sector participation and are designed to produce relevant, timely decisions and/or recommendations for action or conveyance to the body they serve.

Position History: 

Currently Reviewing


Support for officially recognized citizens' committees which utilize the widest and best possible balance of public sector participation and are designed to produce relevant, timely decisions and/or recommendations for action or conveyance to the body they serve.
Objectives of this position:

  1. an active and broad-based recruitment of committee members, including publicity for vacancies.
  2. an annual form for committees to complete and send to the body who appoints them indicating, among other things:
  • how often they meet
  • actions taken
  • recommendations
  • a functioning membership list. This would serve as a means of direct communication, as an instrument to determine if there is a continuing need for the committee and, if indicated, a redefinition of purpose.
  • ensure the strongest citizen participation and to retain the integrity of the citizens' committees, the supervisors, city council members, or staff should attend in an ex officio or advisory capacity only, unless otherwise mandated.
  • League to which this content belongs: 
    League of Women Voters Redding Area