Support for officially recognized citizens' committees.
Position In Brief:
Support for officially recognized citizens' committees which utilize the widest and best possible balance of public sector participation and are designed to produce relevant, timely decisions and/or recommendations for action or conveyance to the body they serve.
Position History:
Currently Reviewing
Support for officially recognized citizens' committees which utilize the widest and best possible balance of public sector participation and are designed to produce relevant, timely decisions and/or recommendations for action or conveyance to the body they serve.
Objectives of this position:
- an active and broad-based recruitment of committee members, including publicity for vacancies.
- an annual form for committees to complete and send to the body who appoints them indicating, among other things:
- how often they meet
- actions taken
- recommendations
- a functioning membership list. This would serve as a means of direct communication, as an instrument to determine if there is a continuing need for the committee and, if indicated, a redefinition of purpose.
League to which this content belongs:
League of Women Voters Redding Area