Pros & Cons are being sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Southwest Santa Clara Valley, which covers the cities of Campbell, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and Saratoga.
These sessions will review the 12 state propositions, the 3 county measures and 3 local measures. The LWV is nonpartisan and does not support or oppose any political party
or candidate. These Pros & Cons sessions provide the public with unbiased information to help inform their election decisions.
Once registered, an email confirmation with the online zoom link will be sent. Please mark your calendar and on the date and time of the webinar, click on the link to access the webinar event. During a webinar, only the League presenters will be visible and audible but the audience may submit question(s) using the chat feature of Zoom webinar.
A prior recording of the Pros and Cons presentation can be found HERE. For more info: please visit lwv-swscv.org/Info or email lwv.swscv [at] gmail.com