LWV-SWSCV Housing Committee: Goal Setting/Scoping

LWV-SWSCV Housing Committee: Goal Setting/Scoping

Housing Committee 02242022
Thursday, February 24, 2022 - 12:00pm to 2:00pm

At the January 29 Program Planning meeting, the members voted to add a focus on housing for this year, since each city is updating its Housing Element to meet their RHNA (Regional Housing Needs Assessment) numbers to plan for enough affordable housing. However, due to the lack of funding to subsidize below-market-rate housing, economic disparity, a lack of public transportation and local policy restrictions, the shortage of affordable housing persists or worsens after many housing bills adopted by the state legislators.

Please join us on Feb. 24, 2022 for the initial meeting of the Housing Committee to determine the focus, goals and scope of this committee. We hope that this committee serves the needs of our local league members; thus, your participation is essential for our success. Here is the initial proposal for your reference, as a starting point of discussion.


  1. Review LWVC positions
  2. Receive feedback from local league members on what they wish to learn
  3. Determine the focus, goals and scope of the Housing Committee
  4. Future meeting dates & agenda
Contact Information
Liang Chao
LFCHAO.LWV [at] gmail.com
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