LWVSWSCV Annual Meeting

LWVSWSCV Annual Meeting

Saratoga Foothill Club


Saratoga Foothill Club
20399 Park Place
Saratoga California 95070
California US
Tuesday, June 18, 2019 - 9:30am to 1:30pm

The Annual Meeting will cover the election of new officers, voting upon next term's proposed budget and program, voting upon suggested edits to our by-laws and policies and procedures, and the announcement of the 2019 Helga Ruby Award Recipient. 

The meeting will be held iat the Saratoga Foothill Club, a Nationally Registered Historic Landmark designed by the renowned architect, Julia Morgan.  Karen McNeill, a well known historian of Julia Morgan, will be our keynote speaker. There is free parking available across the street from the club.

Cost of attendance will be $22.00 which will include a box lunch. RSVP no later than June 4.  Unlike previous years, we can not accept payment at the door. Please send your $22 check made out to LWVSWSCV to Barbara Lea at 121 Strathmore Place, Los Gatos, CA. 95032. When you submit your check, please list your desired sandwich and salad on the check.

Sandwich Choices:  Ham & Swiss on Whole Grain • Tuna on White • Egg Salad on Whole Grain • Smoked Turkey on Dutch Crunch • Vegetarian on Whole Grain

Salad Choices:  Pear • Potato • Caesar 

All lunches include mixed fresh fruit, carrot and celery sticks and lemonade and/or iced tea.