Come hear local city council and school board candidates and learn where they stand on the pertinent issues facing our cities and schools.
These events are open to the public. Below is the list of all candidates forum events and the recordings.
For background information on candidates, go to votersedge.org & ballotpedia.org
Candidates Running
Registration /Recording Links |
Wed, Sept 16
Campbell City Council
Anne Souza (Dist. #1)
Susan M. Landry (Dist.#1)
Terry Hines (Dist.#1)
Sergio Lopez (Dist.#2)
Carol Hoffman (Dist.#2)
Link to Recording |
Mon, Sept 21
Los Gatos Town Council
Michael Kane
Matthew Hudes
Maria Ristow
Heidi Owens
Larry Maggio
Mary Badame
Rob Stephenson
Link to Recording |
Wed, Sept 23
Monte Sereno City Council
Burton Craig
Rowena Turner
Daniel Labouve
Bryan Mekechuk
Link to Recording |
Mon, Sept 28
Saratoga City Council
Renee Paquier
Belal Aftab
Kookie Fitzsimmons
John Fitzpatrick
Tina Walia
Doug Case
Link to Recording |
Wed, Sept 30
Campbell Union High School Board (Area 4)
Linda Goytia
Basil Saleh
Link to Recording |
Mon, Oct 5
Moreland Elementary School Board
Shelly Hong (Area 1)*
Julie Reynolds-Grabbe (Area 1)
Sriram Chatrathi (Area 5)*
Wed, Oct 7
Saratoga Union School Board
Melissa Stanis
Cecil Cohen-Jonathan
Sunita Verma
Azadeh Weber
Scott Adler
Link to Recording |
*Candidates who did not respond to appear on the Forum. However their names are on the ballot.
These forums will be conducted in a Zoom Webinar format. The webinars provide audience audio access only and does not allow audience video access or the ability to speak to the group. Only the panelists, the moderator and the timer(s) will be visible on the screen and have access to address the whole group.
One candidate question may be submitted during the registration process.
All submitted questions will be screened and sorted by League Question Sorters for appropriateness, relevance and redundancy. Similar questions will be consolidated. All written questions, asked or unasked, remain the property of the League of Women Voters.
Video recordings of the candidate forums will be made available after the events, and the links to the recording will be included in the above table.
Presented by the League of Women Voters Southwest Santa Clara Valley. The LWV is nonpartisan and does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. To check out more voter service events such as Pros & Cons and other Candidate Forum Webinars, please visit LWV-SWSCV website. https://my.lwv.org/california/southwest-santa-clara-valley