2020 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the League of Women Voters. Many remembrances and celebrations have been held and others will be reschedule once the shelter in place is lifted permanently. Thanks to Gail Nishimura for researching the history and creating the posters for each decade and thanks to LWV Cupertino/Sunnyvale for synthesizing the work and providing film and narration.
Our League, through the incredible work of Gail Nishimura who researched and created a collage of posters detailing the League’s 100 year history, planned many celebrations using her work. They were initially displayed at the Saratoga Library. Then, on the very evening they were scheduled to be recognized at a Los Gatos Town Reception, the shut down began! Later events needed to be cancelled but Gail has very generously shared her work with fellow Leagues in the county. LWV Cupertino/Sunnyvale has organized the posters and narratives into an incredible film. Please take a walk through 100 years of League history by clicking on this link, then scroll through the decades and click on the audio links below each picture for the narration: https://my.lwv.org/california/cupertino-sunnyvale/history-100-years-league-women-voters