Voting during COV-19: Public Statement from the CEO of the League of Women Voters

Voting during COV-19: Public Statement from the CEO of the League of Women Voters

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Public Statement
Date of Release or Mention: 
Monday, March 16, 2020

A lot has developed in the last week related to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak and we want to keep our membership up to date with how it relates to our work.

This afternoon Chris Carson, the national board of directors, and I issued a statement calling for states to expand absentee voting and extend deadlines and dates as needed during the primaries. This request also extends to the general election. Now is the time to prepare and support voters so that they can cast their ballot in elections later this year.

We urge you to look at the information we have published to support your communities:

As of today, the national League of Women Voters staff are teleworking and prioritizing work related to upcoming elections, with direct outreach to state Leagues still holding elections tomorrow. As the situation on the ground develops and changes, our team is updating with the latest polling place closures and other changes in election dates.

While we weather this crisis, we will be in touch regularly to update our membership with the latest news and how it is impacting our work. 


Virginia Kase

League to which this content belongs: 
Torrance Area