The Dymally Institute's "For White People Only" Anti-Racism Workshop

The Dymally Institute's "For White People Only" Anti-Racism Workshop



Zoom Webinar
Wednesday, February 17, 2021 - 11:30am to 2:30pm
Anti-Racism Workshop

in association with the Mervyn Dymally Community Advisory Board proudly presents 

The Dymally Institute has declared 2021

"The Year of the Anti-Racist." 

Join us for the first workshop of our three part Anti-Racism series, "For White People Only (and other practitioners of unconscious racial bias: An Anti-Racism Workshop for Racial Reconciliation." This workshop focuses how we engage all segments of the society in constructive dialogue around the uncomfortable conversations necessary to arrest racial hostility and move toward a more sustained racial reconciliation in our various communities.   

This is in partnership with the Dymally Community Advisory Board. The campus community, and the greater community are encouraged to attend. 

The virtual workshop will be held Wednesday, February 17th, 2020, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Author/Commentator, Professor Eddie Glaude, Jr., Ph.D. will bring this semester's Dymally Distinguished Speaker keynote.

Workshop speaker will be Author/Anti-Racism Expert, Tim Wise.  


For White People Only Anti-Racism Workshop

 We hope you will attend. 

Forward this email to all interested in the Los Angeles Region. 

The Mervyn Dymally African American Political & Economic Institute at California State University, Dominquez Hills, is a non-partisan research and public engagement think tank, founded for the purpose of documenting the history of black elected officials, building a digital archive of the history of blacks in California, researching the effect of public policy on black communities and training a new generation of leaders for life in public service.

Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad is the Executive Director of the Mervyn Dymally African American Political & Economic Institute. For inquiries, contact him at asamad [at]