Archived Action Alerts

All Woodland Action Alerts

Time for Action

Action Alerts

If you took action earlier this week and urged your Assemblymember to vote YES on AB 2841 (Low) – Thank you! AB 2841 will be heard on the Assembly floor this week. This is a crucial vote to advance this bill to the Senate. Please help the bill take a major step closer protecting the voting rights of all eligible Californians – will you take action today?

Action Alerts

This week, the Senate is set to vote on the For the People Act.

Action Alerts

We have exciting news to share! Last week marked the halfway point in the legislature for the year, and our two highest priority bills have successfully made it to the State Senate.

Action Alerts

Last week, we reached out with an urgent request to support AB 256, the Racial Justice Act for All. Thanks to an outpouring of support from grassroots advocates like you, we are so close to passing this bill out of the Assembly.

Action Alerts

Since 2018, more than 12 million voter registration transactions have taken place at the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) through the new Motor Voter program.

Defining the next 100 years

Action Alerts

As we approach the anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment next month, we are launching Women Power the Vote: Defining the Next 100 Years, a discussion series to explore the work we need to do over the next 100 years to ensure fair elections with participation by all, particularly those who have been disenfranchised in the past.

League of Women Voters

Action Alerts

Thanks to everyone who attended yesterday's Post Convention Webinar Q&A with Deborah Turner and Virginia Kase.