Hearings for these two bills are scheduled on Monday, March 15, 2021, and Tuesday, March 16, 2021. Immediate action is needed. You can provide written testimony, testify in person at the committee hearing, or testify remotely.
The bill, S 1110, is scheduled for a hearing Monday (March 8, 2021) morning, so it is very important to act on it now. Let your representatives know. Even if your position is in line with your legislators, they need to know.
This bill would reduce available funding for public schools across the state and force them to increase their reliance on supplemental levies, which in turn increases property taxes of homeowners when passed.
Last week, we listed this bill as H 0088 that made it a felony to collect and deliver more than two (2) absentee ballots. The League gave testimony opposing it.
It is our understanding this bill will be voted on by the Senate Wednesday Feb. 24. Your action is needed 2/22-2/23. LWVID has contacted senators in support of this bill. As always, the president speaks for the League.