“Without Fear or Favor: Journalistic Independence in a Hyper-Partisan Era” is the title of a Speakers Forum program to be hosted by the Moscow League of Women Voters at 6:30 pm Pacific Time on Wednesday, February 9, 2022.Jo
Dr. Katherine Himes and Dr. Megan Foster will present “Linking Idaho’s Changing Climate and the Economy: The Idaho Climate-Economy Impacts Assessment” at the League of Women Voters of Moscow Speaker Forum,12:00 p.m. on Feb.
Dr. Rebecca Scofield will present “CRT: What It Is and What It Isn't” at the League of Women Voters of Moscow Speaker Forum,12:00 noon on Wednesday (Jan.19).
The League of Women Voters of Pocatello presents the second of two Legislative Forums with Districts 28 and 29 Legislators. Sen. Mark Nye, Rep. Kevin Andrus (28), and Rep.
The League of Women Voters of Pocatello presents the first of two Legislative Forums with Districts 28 and 29 Legislators. Sen. Jim Guthrie, Rep. Randy Armstrong (28), and Rep.