Welcome to LWVPFA

Welcome to LWVPFA

Program planning for 2019-2020
Blog Post

Welcome to the League of Women Voters of the Park Forest Area (LWVPFA) website. The League of Women Voters of the Park Forest Area was established in 1949. Our organization is composed of people from different gender, ethnic, and political groups that share common visions of good, fair, just government. Our members live in Park Forest and surrounding communities.

Voter education and service are a major part of our activity. The league is an extended link between the county clerk and the community. We provide service to the counties of Cook and Will. We register voters in high schools, community colleges/universities, conduct candidate forums, Election Day poll reporting and perform mock elections. So, as you can see, we need a strong membership to help achieve our goals.We (LWVPFA) are a nonpartisan organization but we do encourage our members to support those candidates of their personal choice. We study issues and if we come to a consensus we take a stand on these positions which we can now lobby in support of. The League periodically studies Local, Cook County, State and National programs and issues.

You are invited to join us, local membership includes membership at the National and State level.


Diane Hodges

President, LWVPFA

League of Women Voters of Park Forest Area, P.O. Box 782 Park Forest, IL 60466

League to which this content belongs: 
Park Forest Area