What Is Critical Race Theory? Why is it Controversial?

What Is Critical Race Theory? Why is it Controversial?


Virtual meeting via Zoom
Wednesday, February 9, 2022 - 7:00pm

Our speaker for this important program will be Dr. Sharon L. Bethea, professor of African studies at Northeastern University.  She is also the Coordinator of the African/African American Studies Program and an Affiliate Faculty Member of the Inner City Studies Education Program, as well as a Co-founding Member Genocide and Human Rights and President-Elect of The Association of Black Psychologists (ABPSI).

The central idea of CRT is that racism is institutionalized and is embedded in America's history, legal systems, and policies. It acknowledges the continuing impacts of slavery and segregation in America and critiques how institutionalized racism perpetuates a caste system that is inherently unequal.  

Critical race theory emerged in the 1970s as a response to Critical Legal Studies (CLS), which argued that law was not objective or apolitical. The backdrop behind critical race theory was a common belief in America that the way to solve oppression was to pass legal reforms that expanded existing rights and provided more pathways for victims of discrimination to receive remedy.

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Contact Information
Gigi Moore
gigimoore1965 [at] gmail.com