Encourage Democrats and Republicans to Work Together for the Vote

Encourage Democrats and Republicans to Work Together for the Vote

Time Range For Action Alert: 
Nov 08 2024 to Jan 01 2025

More than 50 years after the Voting Rights Act was passed, full protections for voting rights are not guaranteed for all voters.  

The history of voting rights is largely one of bipartisan cooperation. For example, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA) has been reauthorized every time with support from representatives and Presidents from both political parties. This landmark piece of civil rights legislation responded to legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented Black voters from exercising their right to vote. It remains necessary to this day to prevent voter discrimination. 

Tell Democrats and Republicans to work together on voting rights. 

This Congress, Republicans and Democrats are trying to advance legislation that would codify their priorities on voting. But for any of these bills to pass, they require bipartisan cooperation. There are many ways that Republicans and Democrats can come together to support voting rights. The League would like to see the introduction of bipartisan legislation that includes expanding early voting, allowing no-excuse absentee voting, implementing automatic and online voter registration, improving operations of the Election Assistance Commission, improving language access, and ensuring proper voter list maintenance. In the efforts for improved voter access, the League also advocates for same-day voter registration, access for disabled voters, and access for native voters. 

Voting rights impact everyone. Urge Congress to act now to protect the right to vote for all voters!

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