League Supports Reintroduction of the DISCLOSE Act

League Supports Reintroduction of the DISCLOSE Act

Public Statement

WASHINGTON — Today the League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Virginia Kase Solomón issued the following statement supporting the reintroduction of the DISCLOSE Act in Congress: 

“The League has supported the DISCLOSE Act for more than a decade because the American people deserve transparency in our election process. We are pleased to see the legislation reintroduced in this Congress. 

“Voters have the right to know who is trying to influence their votes.  The wealthiest political donors should not be able to influence our politics in secret. The DISCLOSE Act accomplishes this fundamental purpose by requiring expenditures and donations of $10,000 and above to be reported. When large campaign contributions are made, we believe they must be done so with transparency. 

“We thank Representative Cicilline and Senator Whitehouse for their continued leadership to move this legislation forward, and we hope that this time the legislation will make it across the finish line.  

“Transparency is the baseline requirement for a healthy democracy. We call on Congress to pass the DISCLOSE Act to combat the influence of money in politics. “ 


League to which this content belongs: 
the US (LWVUS)