League of Women Voters Marks 30th Anniversary of NVRA

League of Women Voters Marks 30th Anniversary of NVRA

Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Virginia Kase Solomón released the following statement on the 30th anniversary of the NVRA:  

“Thirty years ago, the League was instrumental in the passage of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), leading a grassroots campaign that engaged a coalition of groups who got the law passed. For 30 years, the League has been a chief enforcer of the law through legal advocacy, which has paved the way for states to increase voter access through automatic voter registration, online voter registration, and same-day registration. The NVRA ensures that registering to vote is easy, fair, and accessible for everyone. Passed with bipartisan support in 1993, the NVRA transformed voter registration, making it easier for people to register to vote and protecting voters from being purged from the voter rolls. This landmark legislation paved the way for states to increase voter access with pro-voter reforms the League advocates for.  

“While we’ve made advancements in expanding voter access, some 30 years later, the fight for voting rights is far from over. Many people still face disproportionate challenges to participate in elections due to factors including health, age, race, and gender. And without federal legislation to protect voting rights, certain communities continue to lack full representation in our democracy. We call on our elected leaders to make voting rights a priority once and for all.  

“Our democracy is strongest when every voice is heard. Until every eligible voter has equal access to the ballot, the fight for voting rights must go on.” 


PRESS CONTACT: Shannon Augustus | 202-768-9578 | saugustus [at] lwv.org

League to which this content belongs: 
the US (LWVUS)