League of Women Voters plant 19th Amendment garden at courthouse

League of Women Voters plant 19th Amendment garden at courthouse


This story was originally published in The Herald-Dispatch.

Members of the League of Women Voters of the Huntington Area recently established a flower garden at the Cabell County Courthouse.

Planted in August, the garden commemorates the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which was on Aug. 26, 1920. The date is also known as Women’s Equality Day.

The garden is next to the 4th Avenue entrance. The league said the site was chosen because “it represents the seat of government for the county’s citizens. Voting is the voice and constitutional right of every citizen.”

“The garden is part of the league’s continuing efforts to encourage and increase participation in the election process for all citizens of Cabell County,” a statement from the league said.

The league hopes the project reminds Cabell County residents about the importance of voting and its impact on democracy.

It will maintain the garden. The league also gave special thanks to Beth Thompson, county administrator, and the Cabell County Commission for their support.

League to which this content belongs: 
the US (LWVUS)