LWV Responds to 2023 Introduction of the Freedom to Vote Act

LWV Responds to 2023 Introduction of the Freedom to Vote Act

Public Statement

WASHINGTON, DC — The League of Women Voters of the United States CEO Virginia Kase Solomón issued the following statement in response to the House and Senate introduction of the Freedom to Vote Act

The Freedom to Vote Act is a strong step toward enacting pro-voter reforms that are needed to ensure that all eligible Americans have the freedom to vote. The League commends Senator Klobuchar and Representative Sarbanes for their tireless work to build a bicameral introduction of this bill. 

"While the League of Women Voters is pleased to see this bill introduced again, we are disappointed it is not introduced with bipartisan support. Voters deserve serious action on voting rights, and bipartisan consensus is necessary to effectively advance meaningful legislation that protects voters’ ability to participate in our democracy.  

"The League continues to advocate in all fifty states and the District of Columbia for provisions like same-day registration, expanded early voting, and automatic voter registration. We know these pro-voter reforms work to support all voters’ access to the ballot regardless of political ideology.  

"The League will continue to work with members of all parties to meet the needs of voters across the country. And we continue to implore Congress to work together to ensure fair, safe, and secure elections in our democracy."

PRESS CONTACT: Shannon Augustus | 202-768-9578 | saugustus [at] lwv.org 

League to which this content belongs: 
the US (LWVUS)