Presidential Debate Bingo

Presidential Debate Bingo

Blog Post

With the 2024 Presidential Debate schedule kicking into full swing, we're tracking every mention of some of the hottest debate topics.

We might as well make the job fun.

Gather your friends and family and see who gets "Bingo" first!

Download Our Bingo Cards

Download the cards above in PDFs that include both color and black-and-white options, or check out the images below!


A bingo card on a purple background with several terms expected to be used in the 2024 presidential debates


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A bingo card on a purple background with several terms expected to be used in the 2024 presidential debates


A bingo card on a purple background with several terms expected to be used in the 2024 presidential debates


Happy Bingo-ing!

League to which this content belongs: 
the US (LWVUS)