Name: Carol Sacerdote
Address: 15 Loring Road
Precinct: 4
e-mail address: CarolRSacerdote [at] (
phone number: 339-223-7482

Community Activities

  • Initiated Citizen's Petition to Amend Section 7.5 of the Zoning Bylaw to Reduce Multi-family Dwelling Unit Capacity
  • Lexington Resident Representative, Safety Committee, KSQ Therapeutics, Maguire Rd
  • Co-chair Bereavement Committee, Board member and Finance Committee member, Temple Isaiah
  • Past-president Lexington Pre-school PTA (now called LexFUN!); commissioned Minuteman High School to build a playground structure at Center Playground; the structure was later moved to Kinneen Park

The School Building Committee has approved a plan, “Bloom” for the new high school and building on the current playing fields in the Center. Do you support this decision? If not, what would you propose as an alternative?

Ultimately, Town Meeting will not decide whether this school will be built. Each voter will choose whether to support the referendum or not. I am in favor of bringing the issue before the voters.

I am concerned about the division within the community. If elected, I will work toward reaching community-wide consensus on important issues, such as this. We also need to reach a consensus on zoning, and on a vision for the future of Lexington center.

The building of approximately 10% more housing units by the time the school is constructed will cause population growth. We can expect the school population to grow alongside the general population. Lexington needs to plan for that growth, both in school capacity, and in all other town services and infrastructure.