Name: Charles James
Precinct: 1
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Community Activities

The School Building Committee has approved a plan, “Bloom” for the new high school and building on the current playing fields in the Center. Do you support this decision? If not, what would you propose as an alternative?

I support the "Bloom" project because it represents a necessary investment in students in our schools as well as an investment in Lexington’s future. Lexington has long been a leader in education, and our commitment requires the community to continue to support academic excellence. The current Lexington High School is outdated and no longer adequately meets the diverse needs of our student body nor the student population. The "Bloom" project incorporates much-needed improvements required to fully embrace 21st century educational methods.

By building on the current playing fields, the plan minimizes disruption to students and ensures continuity in education while construction is underway. Once completed, the new high school will provide not only adequate classrooms but also expand the opportunities for arts and athletics—ensuring that all students can thrive in an environment tailored to their success.

If elected as a Town Meeting Member, I will work to ensure transparency in the funding process, encourage community dialogue, and support initiatives that strengthen Lexington’s commitment to education. Every student deserves an environment where they can reach their fullest potential, and I believe the "Bloom" project is a crucial step in that direction.