Name: Doug Lucente
Office Sought: Select Board
e-mail address:
phone number: 781-862-2534

Community Activities: Select Board, Vice Chair (2017-present); Town Meeting Member (1997-2010); Lexington Youth Commission, Student Member, Adult Advisor and Former Chairman (1988-2017); Lexington Lions Club: Member (1996-present), Past President, Treasurer (2005-present), Organizer of 4th of July Carnival (2004-present),  Organizer of the Patriots Day Road Race (1997-present), Lincoln Field Restroom Facility Construction Committee (2014), Fletcher Park Ice Rink (2015-present); Lincoln Park Sub-Committee (2014-2017); Board of Directors of Visiting Nurse and Community Health (VNCH) (2002-2007).

More diverse and affordable housing is acknowledged to be a critical need at both the state and local level. The Town currently funds positions for a Sustainability and Resiliency Officer and a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer but has declined to fund a position for a Housing specialist. In light of the recent initiatives supported by Town Meeting, a Housing Trust and the conversion of LexHAB to a non-profit housing corporation, do you think there is need for a professional to oversee and manage these efforts?

Definitely, there is a clear need for a professional to take charge of the Town's housing initiatives. With the ever-growing complexity of affordable housing and its related challenges, the appointment of a housing specialist would bring focus and expertise to the issue. This specialist could have the power to lead the various housing initiatives to success, as well as pinpoint areas that need improvement, devise effective solutions, and keep track of progress toward meeting the Town's housing goals.

Not only could this role work with developers and community organizations, but it would also be a strong advocate for the creation of more affordable housing units, acting as a liaison for residents in affordable units and those seeking to apply for affordable housing.

I have long been a strong supporter of the creation of the housing specialist position, recognizing its critical importance in addressing the housing crisis in the Town. The creation of a Housing Trust and the transformation of LexHAB into a non-profit housing corporation are positive steps toward addressing the issue, but without a professional to take the reins and drive these initiatives forward, meaningful progress will be hard to achieve.