Name: Lin Jensen
Office Sought: Planning Board
e-mail addresslinjensenlex [at] gmail.commichaelschanbacherlexpb [at] (
phone number: 781-861-2925

Community Activities

  • Lexington resident, active town volunteer, & LPS parent (for 19 years)
  • Collaborated on multiple zoning article amendments
  • Regular Planning Board meeting participant 
  • Town Meeting Member, Precinct 8
  • Sustainable Lexington Committee member
  • LPS Green Teams co-founder & leader
  • Clean Heat Lexington Alliance volunteer
  • Hastings PTO (2005-2018: co-president, room parent, yearbook and newsletter editor, METCO Family Friends host)

If elected, what would be your three top goals to work towards during your term on the Planning Board?

If elected, my top three goals are (subject to changes based on input from fellow Planning Board members, Planning Department, Town staff, and constituents):

  1. Actively seek solutions for more affordable housing, preservation, and solar energy generation by working with the Affordable Housing Trust, Tree Committee, Sustainable Lexington Committee, and other committees and groups of advocates. As neighboring municipalities are facing similar challenges as we are, I will also research and reach out to learn about their efforts.
  2. Create a feedback loop: I will carefully review all applications and compare them with the purpose of our bylaws and regulations. I will collaborate with the Planning staff and the Board to fine-tune, clarify, and improve the language of our existing bylaws and regulations. I appreciate that the Town Manager and Planning staff initiated Article 51 in the upcoming Town Meeting to strengthen and clarify the language on commercial use requirements on the first floor for MBTA Village Overlay Districts.
  3. Improve transparency and user-friendly communications. I would like us to make our housing data and processes more available and accessible to help us make better decisions as a town and as residents. For example, a lot of people may not be aware that Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) are allowed and can provide flexibility for multi-generation families or seniors who look for rental income. It is an option homeowners could benefit from by planning ahead. Additionally, improved communication could also help streamline processes for homeowners who want to renovate their homes and thus encourage more homes to be preserved.