Name: Marilyn M. Fenollosa
Precinct: 5
e-mail address: mmt.fenollosa [at] verizon.netmichaelschanbacherlexpb [at] (
)phone number: 781-863-8188
Community Activities:
Town Meeting Member since 2007
- Community Preservation Committee Chair since 2013, member since 2006
- Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (Lexington Next) 2018 - 2022
- Historical Commission member since 1994, Chair 2020 - 2021
- Historic Districts Commission member 2007 - 2017
- Planning Board Residential Policy Committee member 2015 - 2016
- Election Official (Assistant Clerk and Inspector) since 2012
The School Building Committee has approved a plan, “Bloom” for the new high school and building on the current playing fields in the Center. Do you support this decision? If not, what would you propose as an alternative?
Although I no longer have school-age children, I recognize and appreciate the need for a safe and welcoming environment for learning at the high standards we have come to expect in Lexington. I also have faith that our elected officials – School Committee, Select Board – and Department of Public Facilities will act responsibly in considering the needs, wants and financial considerations of this important project. From my examination of the publicly posted materials, I believe the layout of the preferred “Bloom” option will safeguard students and promote their integration into school life, as well as enable and encourage increased collaboration among staff of the various departments. The design reflects 21st century learning techniques and facilities, while being respectful of the tax burdens that the new school will impose on all Lexington residents. Accordingly, I support the design.