Name: Mollie Garberg
Office Sought: Town Meeting Member Precinct 9
e-mail addressmolliegarberg [at] gmail.commichaelschanbacherlexpb [at] (
phone number: 781-863-8560

Community Activities

  • Precinct 9, Town Meeting Member since 2006
  • Cary Memorial Library Foundation Board, Founder and
  • Chair of the Corporate Donor Committee 2016 2019
  • Appropriation Committee 2009 2016
  • Electronic Voting Record Working Group, 2013 2014
  • Lexington 300th Celebration, 2012 2013
  • Economic Development Taskforce, Co-Chair 2006 2008
  • Lexington 2020 Vision Committee, 2006 2008

 Article 43 on the 2024 Town Warrant is asking if the Town will authorize and request the Select Board to petition the General Court of the Commonwealth for Home Rule Legislation to allow any citizens in the Town of Lexington, who have reached the age of 16 or older, to register and vote in municipal elections within the Town, or to take any action in relative thereto. Would you support this article? Why or why not?

I always listen carefully to the views of my constituents, as well as the presentations and the debates at Town Meeting before making a final decision on any Article. However, at this writing, I am leaning in favor of Article 43. Allowing 16- and 17-year-olds to vote empowers our electorate by encouraging them to become informed citizens and actively engaging them in the democratic process. Most importantly, it would allow 16- and 17-year-olds to have their voice heard in decisions that impact them.

If Article 43 passes, it would only be the first step and any next step will have to take place at the state level. The Election Laws Committee is engaged in studying home rule petitions and bills on the topic; and bills (H720 and S389) that would allow municipal governments the power to lower the voting age in their communities without individually seeking home rule petitions have not yet moved forward. However, Lexington has a history of leading the way and I would like to see us join with other leading towns and cities working to expand voting rights.