Name: Tina McBride
Office Sought: Planning Board
e-mail address1tinatmcbride [at] gmail.commichaelschanbacherlexpb [at] gmail.com (
phone number: 781-863-1317

Community Activities

  • Lexington Town Meeting Member Precinct 7
  • Regularly attend and participate in Planning Board meetings, since 2013
  • Advocacy work on multiple Town Meeting articles regarding waste reduction, zoning and preservation since 2013
  • Co-author of Turning Mill Neighborhood Conservation District (TM-NCD) 2018 & member of the Districts Commission
  • Proposed Demolition Delay Extension Citizen's Article 2015 - a similar article proposed by another citizens group was passed by Town Meeting in 2023
  • Town of Lexington Bedford/Hartwell 25% Design Working Group
  • LexCan/GWAC member - Lexington Climate Action Network/Global Warming Action Committee
  • Lexington Zero Waste Collaborative Board Member 
  • Association of Black Citizens of Lexington (ABCL) member 
  • Clean Heat Alliance volunteer
  • LPS Green Teams co-founder
  • Co-founder of LPS Food Rescue Program, and Composting Programs at LHS and Diamond
  • Estabrook Family Friends Coordinator & Host

If elected, what would be your three top goals to work towards during your term on the Planning Board?

  1. Continue the work on multi-family housing and affordable housing initiatives. The MBTA families housing article passed by Town Meeting in 2023 will bring multifamily buildings to Lexington, but most of the units will be at “market rates” which are not “affordable” or "inclusionary.” Currently, we don't have a vehicle to get higher rates of inclusionary or affordable housing. This is a complicated issue without a quick solution. I believe that through better planning we can prioritize affordability, sustainability, equity, and smart growth. I want to get to work on that effort.
  2. Revisit the Hartwell Innovation Park initiative. The Hartwell commercial building by-right bylaw passed in the 2019 Special Fall Town Meeting with the promise to bring to the following Town Meeting additional bylaws, regulations, design guidelines, and housing components, but this has not come back to Town Meeting. We should utilize the vision the town spent time and resources to conceptualize. With the 440 Bedford St project being constructed, it is a good time to review what went well, and what can be improved in our bylaws and regulations.
  3. Expand solar energy opportunities in Lexington. Collaborate with the Sustainable Lexington Committee (SLC) on solar energy generation policies. The SLC has analyzed solar potential in all areas of the town and made recommendations on prioritizing disturbed or developed land.