Name: Tina McBride
Office Sought: Planning Board
e-mail address1tinatmcbride [at] gmail.commichaelschanbacherlexpb [at] gmail.com (
phone number: 617-875-4888

Community Activities

  • I have worked in sustainability, social justice and environmental justice efforts for decades and consider all of the organizations and my activities in them, as preparation for and contributing to my experience for the Planning Board position.  
  • Parent to Three children through Lexington Public Schools
  • Lexington Town Meeting Member Precinct 7 since 2018
  • Regularly attending Planning Board meetings since 2013
  • Town of Lexington Bedford/Hartwell 25% Design Working Group
  • Turning Mill Neighborhood Conservation District (TM-NCD) co-author 2018 and currently serves as one of its commissioners
  • Proposed Demolition Delay Extension Citizen's Article 2015
  • Clean Heat Alliance member
  • LexCan/GWAC member - Lexington Climate Action Network/Global Warming Action Committee
  • LPS Green Teams cofounder
  • Lexington ZeroWaste Collaborative Board Member 
  • Co-authored multiple articles regarding sustainability, preservation and land use since 2013
  • Association of Black Citizens of Lexington (ABCL) member 
  • Co-Founder LPS Food Share Program 2023
  • Co-Founder LPS Food Rescue Program 2020
  • Co-Founder LHS Composting Program 2019
  • Co-Founder Diamond Composting Program 2018
  • LHS PTO Volunteer since 2012
  • Diamond PTA Volunteer since 2015
  • Estabrook PTA Volunteer 2004-2017
  • Estabrook Estafest Cafe Fundraiser, Co-Director 2005-2017
  • Estabrook Family Friends Coordinator & Host

Changes in the Affordable Homes Act that will take effect on February 2, 2025 opens up the possibilities for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU).  It includes many policy changes that will unlock housing production in our state, such as allowing accessory dwelling units.  Where do you stand on making it easier for residents to build ADUs? What does this mean for Lexington?

In 2015 Lexington reduced some restrictions to Accessory Dwelling apartments which I fully supported. I view the new changes as a welcome addition to housing solutions.

Particularly in terms of opening the possibilities for senior options, I believe it will create organic alternatives for downsizing, multigenerational and other forms of co-living. As these decisions are made individually, one unit is added at a time, the profit or return on investment is good for the owner, while not disrupting neighborhoods with large construction projects and changing streetscapes, which is a good thing for Lexington.

Over the years ADU has not been utilized as much despite it being a good solution. I think the Planning Board should make a comprehensive effort of communicating and explaining to the residents how it works, what is allowed and what is not. This outreach should be active, not reactive.

If elected, I think transparency is more than having hours-long public meetings and putting documents online. We need to do active outreach, organize presentations at LWV to talk about this new tool, and have cheat sheets for people who do not have time to attend or watch videos.