GSEP at the Crossroads Webinar

GSEP at the Crossroads Webinar

GSEP at the Six Year Mark


pre-registration required
Tuesday, October 12, 2021 - 12:00pm

In 2014, the Commonwealth embarked on the Gas System Enhancement Program (GSEP) - a plan to replace leaking fossil gas infrastructure.  This webinar provides important context for understanding the status of efforts to transition off fossil fuels and the choices and contradictions before us at this critical time.  

The GSEP program incentivizes replacing pipes over making repairs.  Utilities are sinking over $500 million per year into new fossil fuel infrastructure, locking us into fossil fuel for decades to come or saddling ratepayers with the debt of stranded gas infrastructure assets, as described in a recent Globe article: Massachusetts gas companies are planning to pour $20 billion into new gas pipes designed to last almost a century (Boston Globe 10/03/21.)

A recent report, GSEP at the Six Year Mark , finds that Massachusetts’ gas pipe replacement program is no longer financially sound and is not meeting its goals.  Join LWVMA for an in-depth look at the report with author Dorie Seavey, along with Senator Michael Barrett and Maria Belen Power of GreenRoots. 

Register here.

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