Postcards to Voters project

Postcards to Voters project

League members close-up, one extends arms holding National Voter Registration Day sticker

It's a big year and that's why we're going big!

We are investing in voter outreach like never before! For this 2020 Election year, Eastern Upper Peninsula League members and supporters are writing thousands of postcards to voters in Chippewa County to remind them how their voice matters, that elections work when we all participate, and that there is a handy, easy-to-use election website that will help answer their election and ballot questions. To make a bigger impact, we're reaching out to first-time voters and young voters! 

Want to help empower voters? Email our 'Postcards to Voters' coordinator and we'll send you a list, postcards, and stamps (if you need some). Empower more voters for this very important election year! You can help Make Democracy Work!

Email us at:  lwveup [at] 

League to which this content belongs: 
Eastern Upper Peninsula