Block or Remove Your Online Members

Block or Remove Your Online Members

You can block members and webmasters from accessing non-public areas of your site (i.e. Members-Only). You can also remove members from your League entirely.

1. Start out on your League's homepage.

2. Locate the Administrator League Menu and select Manage Members.

Administer League Site menu - Manage Members

3. Your list of members will appear on the Manage Members page. Locate the member you would like to manage and click:

a. edit: you can block or remove the member from accessing your League's private content (you can also "hold" the member account by selecting pending).

b. remove: this will take you directly to confirm the removal of the member from your League site.

editing a Member - status and permissions

4. Select the new status of the member.

a. If Blocked is selected, then click Update membership. You will then be taken back to your Manage Members page.

b. If Remove is selected, then you will be taken to the confirmation page for the removal of the member. 

editing status of member or removal

Removing a Member

You will need to confirm your removal of the member by clicking Remove:
confirmation of removing a member from League/group
You can always add a member back to your League's site.

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