How to Delete Content

How to Delete Content

NOTE: Instead of deleting content, you can always remove content from public view by disabling the content from the menu, or by unpublishing the latest published revision.

Watch the video

If you are ready to delete a specific content item completely from your site, follow these steps to delete:

  1. Locate the content item (i.e. page, event, form, etc.).
    1. You can easily find the item via your menu or your Content Manager.
  2. Click New draft (or Edit draft) to open a draft of the content item.
    1. screenshot of MyLO webmaster editing tabs, with New Draft tab highlighted
  3. Scroll to the very bottom of the editing form and locate the Delete button in the lower left corner of your screen. Don't forget to input moderation notes before clicking Delete.
    1. screenshot of editing form, very bottom of page
  4. You'll be taken to a second page to confirm your deletion request. If you are certain this item should be deleted, click Delete.
    1. screenshot of Deletion Confirmation page
  5. You'll be redirected to the MyLO homepage. A confirmation message will appear across the top of your screen.
    1. screenshot of confirmation banner

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WATCH VIDEO (no audio): Learn the steps to delete items of content from the Content Manager by selecting the items from the content list.

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