Conventions only when certain conditions are in place, such as: limited to a specific topic, full transparency, delegates selected by population, and voting by delegates not by states.
This Oak Hammock Committee Meeting features Danaya Wright, a professor of Constitutional Law at the UF Levin College of Law, discussing amending the U.S. Constitution and the Equal Rights Amendment.
Good afternoon, Chairman Lakey and committee members. My name is Kendal Shaber and I am speaking on behalf of the League of Women Voters of Idaho and its members.
On February 15, the House Constitutional Laws Subcommittee of the Judiciary Committee will take up H. 3676, a “Convention of States” bill with the specific focus of passing a balanced budget amendment to the U. S. Constitution. This bill is a threat to every American's constitutional rights and civil liberties. The League opposes a federal budget amendment, although we support fiscal responsibility.
House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 693 and HCR 703 are up for a vote on the House floor on January 9th. These resolution bills claim to be seeking congressional term limits and a balanced federal budget, but really they are calling for a dangerous Article V Convention that could gut the U.S. Constitution.
The League of Women Voters of California (LWVC) strongly opposes Governor Newsom's recent decision to seek an Article V constitutional convention. The proposal, encapsulated in SJR-7, seeks to add California to the states aiming to alter the U.S. Constitution, a move that comes without a clear structure or guidelines.
H. 3205, a call for a federal Constitutional Convention, has been given Special Order in the Senate so it will be a priority for debate on the Senate floor. Call your senator to ask for a NO vote on H. 3205.
The American people deserve a Supreme Court confirmation process that builds trust in our democracy and ensures an independent judiciary without compromising any more lives.