Civil Engagement

Civil Engagement

A dialogue in which all participants have a right to speak and to be heard. Such dialogue is characterized by: 

  • Respectful participation
  • Sharing the time equitably
  • Attentive listening
  • Balanced discussion
SIA 2023 delegates with Sen. Oberaker


to-go coffee cup on a red background with sleeve featuring vermillion chamber & development company logo
Event Date: 
Feb 26 2022 09:00 am
Event location: 

Vermillion City Council Chambers

to-go coffee cup featuring handwritten words Districts 6, 11 & 15 on a blue background beside details of Feb 5 2022 South Dakota legislative coffee in Sioux Falls
Event Date: 
Feb 05 2022 10:00 am
Event location: 

The HUB at Southeast Technical Institute

Legislative Coffees are an opportunity to interact with your local legislators by asking them questions regarding current legislation. Legislators from districts 6, 11 and 15 have been invited to the Feb.

As a service to our community, The League of Women Voters of the South Bend Area publishes the Citizen's Guide to Representative Government, a comprehensive collection of contact information for local, state, and national government offices, plus St. Joseph County voting information.

Local libraries, public offices, and businesses distribute the print edition the Citizen's Guide, and they are always available at community events where the League is present.

Action Alerts

Click on Read More to see our list of current elected officials at each level of government to contact your representatives about these and other issues.

Photo of 2015 Fluker Award recipient Sandy Praeger

Photo caption: Photographed above at the 2015 award ceremony are, from left, Eileen Larsen; Helen's husband Robert Fluker; 2015 award winner Sandy Praeger; Helen's son John Fluker; granddaughter Anne Fluker; granddaughter Mary Fluker; cousin John Naramore.


Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

One of the best communication tools our League has is the breadth of the circles of our members. That, coupled with the sterling reputation of the League, means that face to face, one to one contact with our circles is a great way to motivate people to make a plan to vote, become informed, and complete their ballots. Learn how you can share information about voting with your circles and networks.

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

City of Gainesville residents will see a referendum on the November election ballot that will determine the future control of Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU). In 2023, local control of this municipal utility was removed by the state legislature and given to a governor-appointed Authority. The November referendum will allow Gainesville voters to have a say in whether they prefer to return control to local officials (Yes vote) or if they want control to remain with the governor’s appointees (No vote.) Today, we are asking you to do two things...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

8.29 UPDATE: Your vocal support for our state parks worked! After eight days of public outrage, Governor DeSantis finally said Wednesday that a controversial proposal by his administration to develop golf courses, pickleball courts and hotels at state parks is “going back to the drawing board.” This backtracking could not have been accomplished without the rapid and overwhelming response from the public, community groups, Florida businesses, and bipartisan unity from state elected officials who opposed these plans. Thank you for your efforts!

On August 20, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) announced the Great Outdoors Initiative, which would subject nine of our precious state parks to development of commercial hotels, golf courses, and sports fields and courts. FDEP planned to collect public comment on these plans for one hour at eight simultaneous meetings just one week later, on August 27. Then late in the day of August 23, FDEP announced that all of the previously scheduled public meetings were being postponed due to “overwhelming interest” in their plan. Don't let gopher tortoise borrows and scrub jay trees be replaced by golf courses and pickleball courts! What can you do to protest...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts


Thanks to each of you for reading and participating in the Action Alerts. With the primary election successfully completed, we have eleven weeks to get out the vote for the general election on November 5.
