

We support a balanced, safe and efficient transportation network that will preserve a quality environment and provide mobility throughout the state.


Secure public infrastructure contributions from developers


Planning, zoning, Comprehensive Plan, transportation, environment
Event Date: 
Feb 02 2019 02:00 pm to Feb 03 2019 01:45 pm
Event location: 

League Office

Tom and Debra Shrout will be presenting at our meeting.


Support a balanced, intermodal transportation system


The League of Women Voters of Benton and Franklin Counties supports public transportation.
Call your reps

Action Alerts

In the State Capitol today, the Joint Committee on Finance is holding a hearing and will be voting today on bills that were introduced late Friday afternoon. It is likely the full Assembly will vote on this legislation tomorrow.

Wisconsin League testimony
Public Statement

December 3, 2018

To: Joint Committee on Finance

Re: December 2018 Extraordinary Session Bills


League positions on Transportation were originally adopted in 1986, amended in 2016 and are reviewed annually.


We believe the factors to be considered for improved public transportation to be:


League of Women Voters of South Hampton Roads (LWVSHR) supports a balanced approach to transportation planning, emphasizing strategies that make maximum use of existing roadways and providing real alternatives to car use.
