Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.

Flames on black background with event details text to the right
Event Date: 
May 10 2022 06:00 pm

Due to technical difficulties, the April Hot Topic presentation was rescheduled to May 10 at 6:00 PM. If you were unable to attend in April, you now have another opportunity to join Dr.

LWVAC and SACE presentation announcement with photo of speaker
Event Date: 
Apr 07 2022 12:00 pm

The LWVAC is partnering with Southern Alliance for Clean Energy's Electrify the South program to host a webinar on ways to engage and transform our transportation systems to electric.

Logo: male and female symbols intertwined. Text: There are no more excuses - EQUAL MEANS EQUAL

Action Alerts

A new resolution has been introduced in the US House affirming that the Equal Rights Amendment has met all of the requirements needed to be added to the US Constitution. 

The inclusion of the Equal Rights Amendment in the US Constitution is long overdue.

Contact your representative today and tell them to assert that the ERA should be the law of the land! 

Scales of justice image

 Welcome to the

Juvenile Justice and Justice for All Advocacy Team

of LWV of Washtenaw County.

Email justice [at] for more information

ERA Equal rights Amendment LWV

Action Alerts

A new resolution has been introduced in the US House affirming that the Equal Rights Amendment has met all of the requirements needed to be added to the US Constitution.

The new resolution, H. Res. 891, introduced by Congresswomen Jackie Speier and Carolyn Maloney, will reflect the sentiment of the House that under the terms of Article V, the ERA is already part of the Constitution. It will ensure it is considered effective as of January 27, 2022.

LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

Education Scholarship Account (ESA) Bill S.935 is scheduled for Senate floor debate this week, and it has strong support. Additional amendments are needed in three areas: funding, accountability, and accessibility.

Tell your senator that S.935 must be amended. 

Headshot of Lynn Frazier
Blog Post

Dear Members,
When you receive this edition of the Voter, the Florida legislative regular session will have ended. We can look back with pride at the efforts League made in the fight to maintain free and fair elections and many other causes that League members cherish. Although we lost many fights, we are now ready to organize for the upcoming election season and the beginning of a new League year.

Event Date: 
Mar 15 2022 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
Event location: 

Michigan Tech Husky Dog

Wear red to show support!

Michigan Tech Husky Dog on campus near Library.
Rain or blizzard  location Fisher Hall

Event Date: 
Mar 17 2022 07:00 pm
Event location: 

Hermann Room, Falmouth Public Library

Watch on YouTube
LWVSC Action Alert

Action Alerts

Multiple bills to create Education Scholarship Accounts (ESAs) are moving quickly through the SC legislature.

Tell your senator and house representative that you oppose Education Scholarship Account (ESA) proposals due to concerns about affordability, accountability, and accessibility. Oppose these bills that would divert monies from public schools that must serve students who need more resources.
