Social Policy

Social Policy

Secure equal rights and equal opportunity for all. Promote social and economic justice and the health and safety of all Americans.


We believe the factors to be considered for improved public transportation to be:


We support: More open communication between School Board and citizens.

The League has been active in efforts to secure and preserve affordable housing in the San Gabriel Valley area in support of the LWVC position; it has undertaken a number of activitie

The LWV California campaign helped produce this video in 2015 to restore revenue to schools, public services and infrastructure repair.

The League has established extensive positions on healthcare at the national level.


    League of Women Voters of South Hampton Roads (LWVSHR) supports a balanced approach to transportation planning, emphasizing strategies that make maximum use of existing roadways and providing real alternatives to car use.


    The LWV-SHR supports decent and affordable housing for all residents.


    The League of Women Voters of South Hampton Roads believes that firearm injuries and deaths are preventable
    Public Statement

    LWV Opposes Ryan Healthcare Repeal Bill
