Blog Post

As everyday citizens, we can get involved in fighting climate change at the local level.

climate change and women
Blog Post

The League of Women Voters has had observer status at the United Nations since 1945 when it was invited by President Harry Truman to serve as a consultant

Twitterstorm Graphic
Blog Post

In February 2022, the North Carolina supreme court issued a historic ruling that partisan gerrymandering violates the North Carolina constitution and ordered new maps to be drawn.

LWV Joins Civics Lawsuit
Blog Post

Over 20 years ago, the League of Women Voters launched its campaign Making Democracy Work®, focusing on five key indicators of a healthy democracy: voter participation, campaign finance reform, diversity of representation, civic education and know

Understanding the US Supreme Court, Part 1
Blog Post

The US Supreme Court, in its modern form, holds a place of deference and respect in the minds of many Americans. Through its work, we've seen major social justice advances over the past century...

Climate Change
Blog Post

LWVUS Blog / Last Updated: June 9, 2022

Money and Politics
Blog Post

How Citizen's United Will Affect the 2022 Midterms
LWVUS Blog / Last Updated: January 21, 2022
By: Lilly McGee

Carrie Catt
Blog Post

In her address to the National American Woman Suffrage Association's (NAWSA) 50th convention in St.
